Sheila Hollie Memorial Scholarship

Two scholarships have been awarded in 2025! We continue to offer scholarships to residents of the Greenway neighborhood who are attending college or trade school, and applications are due on December 1 of each year. This scholarship fund was established to honor Sheila Hollie, who lived in the Greenway neighborhood and loved the 6:8 Project. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please find out more here.
To apply for the scholarship, you can download the application here or fill it out online here.

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Annual Christmas Party: Dec 21, 2024

We had our annual Christmas party and luncheon on Saturday, December 21, 12:00 – 2 pm. We started at the Greenway church with the lunch and games at 12:00-1 pm, and we will distributed presents at the 6:8 House (1912 Portland) from 1:30-2:30 pm. Over 60 people participated. Thanks to all those who donated to this cause and volunteered to help this event be a huge success !

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November 4, 2023: Loving and Empowering our Neighbors

Thanks to all who helped with our Loving and Empowering our Neighbors event on November 4, 2023 ! The work we did on this day in the Greenway neighborhood: Replaced window trim on 3 windows at one house (including caulking and painting); trimmed bushes and trees at two houses; fixed a fence at one house; fixed a vanity sink drain leak; repaired 4 exterior doors and latching mechanisms; added weatherstrip to two doors; fixed loose siding; reattached a light fixture; repaired a house entrance overhang framing and trim; rebuilt wooden stairs; cleaned grill at the 6:8 house; organized and recycled at the 6:8 house.

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